Controller ini

in this ini the controller is defined. In the example folder the controller_config.ini is separated from the other ini’s. But this is not a must. Important is only that the section starts with [Controller].

the following inputs have to be defined:

  • machine

  • transporter

  • orderrelease

  • service_machine: could be empty if no defect is defined

  • service_transporter: could be empty if no defect is defined

Main structure

after each controller type e.g. machine, there needs to be a dict with the following keys:




Python class name of the control strategy


default ‘add’: {}, if you want to combine multiple strategies, then ‘add’:{‘conroller_class_name’:number}

the number needs to be between 0 and 1


this file is available in example/config/controller_config.ini

machine = {'type': 'MachineController_FIFO', 'add': {}}
transporter = {'type': 'TransporterController_Hybrid', 'add': {'TransporterController_FIFO': 0.328904853393797, 'TransporterController_NJF': 0.7350431153281545, 'TransporterController_EDD': 0.2947845362113132}}
orderrelease = {'type':'OrderReleaseControllerEqual','add':{},'fillLevel':0.5}
service_machine = {'type':'ServiceControllerMachine','add':{}}
service_transporter = {'type':'ServiceControllerTransporter','add':{}}